What a time we're living in! Art is not a distraction from the bad. Art is a goal!

Jim B.

(Editor's reply: I couldn't have said it better myself!)

During times such as these, it's great to be an artist! We can escape in our art!

Carlie B.

(Editor's reply: I completely agree!)

I've recently been reading the Schwartz Shirts companion, The Book of Observations.
Thanks for the laughs and insight!

Alice M.

Artists Are Always Right is very helpful...especially now!

Ted R.

I like your journal. I only recently discovered it. I'm looking forward to many more issues!

Denise A.

I thoroughly enjoyed your Dancing Trees Spotlight (March/April issue). I think those
trees are dancing so slowly that their movement is imperceptible...except to artists!

Eve R.

If the end of the world is upon us, read a book and dream of the next.

Carl W.

(Editor's reply: I don't think the end of the world is upon us. It will probably take more
than a virus to do that. But, reading a book is always a good idea, as is dreaming of
better times!)

I especially enjoy your "Inside The Image" Spotlight features including the March/April
Dancing Trees
. What you have to say about them applies to all art forms. Thank you
for your insight!

Celia S.

I am a young artist. Not in biological years, but in terms of how long I've been practicing
my visual art, which is primarily oil painting. I've had a lot of time recently because of the
virus pandemic to look over every past issue of Artists Are Always Right. Not only have
I learned a great deal, doing so also provided a much needed diversion from the
television news. Thank you.

Scott H.
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