I thought it was very creative and interesting to compare the times we are living in lately
to science fiction movies in the July/August issue!

Olivia M.


I recently looked at the May/June SPOTLIGHT...Planet Earth, Our Art Studio. Very cool!
Enjoyed it a lot!

Jack R.


I like how you use different works of art to convey your thoughts about life. You journal
is informative and entertaining.

Diane J.


Perhaps the Morlocks in The Time Machine are descendants of the demons you spoke
of in the July/August SPOTLIGHT?

Adam S.

(Editor's reply: Might be. Keep in mind...they too were defeated.)


The Incredible Shrinking Man
is one of my all-time favorite films. I'm glad you included
it in the July/August SPOTLIGHT. Not only is this film a great science fiction film, the
closing words are extremely philosophical!

Jeremy O.

(Editor's reply: They are indeed! A perfect example of how art can not only entertain,
but make people think as well!)


I love classic science fiction films! I enjoyed your July/August SPOTLIGHT very much.
It was interesting how you connected them to the current times. Keep up your good work.

Traci R.


2020 may be a year of disease, conflict, and uncertainty, but artists will undoubtedly
show us the they have done so before.

Matthew O.


I absolutely love how you combine all art into one it should be!

Constance R.


The life we are living now seems more like science fiction each day. I hope it has a
happy ending!

Doug J.


One of the best things I've found recently is Artists Are Always Right. I'm loving
catching up with the past issues. Enjoying each one!

Debbie F.
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