I really connected with the July/August SPOTLIGHT. Along with remembering the old commercials you
mentioned, I also collected and still have the Hot Wheels cars I got back in the late 1960s and early
1970s. If we were a lot younger, I'd challenge you to some races!
Ben W.
(Editor's reply: If we were much younger, I might accept your challenge...but alas, my Hot Wheels and
Johnny Lightning racing days are a thing of the past!)
One of the most useful technological inventions is the mute button on TV remotes. At least that allows
me not to hear those awful commercials being shown on television today that you wrote about in the
July/August SPOTLIGHT.
Charley A.
The July/August SPOTLIGHT, Memorable Television Commercials, brought to my mind the old saying...
You catch more flies with honey than vinegar...with most of today's commercials being in the vinegar
department. I'd much rather see commercials that are sweet like honey, and would be more likely to
purchase the products as well!
Laura M.
I'm twenty-six years old, so I never had the opportunity of seeing the more entertaining commercials of
the past you mentioned in the July/August SPOTLIGHT. I was, however, able to see some of them on
YouTube. Those old television commercials were definitely better than most of the ones today. Thanks
for the education.
Mike P.
I'm not a fan of most insurance companies, but the ice cream melting insurance policy you mentioned in
the July/August SPOTLIGHT actually sounds like a good idea...especially during the recent heat waves.
Seriously...I thoroughly enjoyed and agree with what you had to say.
Elizabeth D.
Some of the television commercials broadcast back in the good old days were more entertaining than the
actual television programs being shown today!
Cami H.
Except for classic television shows and a handful of new programs, most of what is shown on TV today
is a big "yuk"...to use your descriptive word for the gross commercials. I'd rather spend my free time
reading a good novel...and of course, Artists Are Always Right.
Kevin S.
I have a definitive cure for avoiding awful television commercials. Don't watch television! Most of the new
shows aren't worth watching anyhow! I prefer to watch classic movies on DVD. They are much more
entertaining...and no commercials!
Karen D.
I agree wholeheartedly with your assessment of most of today's television commercials. I'm old enough to
remember when advertisers weren't even allowed to show a live model wearing a brassiere. Lawyers and
prescription drug ads were prohibited from being advertised on television as well! As such, viewers
enjoyed the type of commercials you highlighted in the July/August SPOTLIGHT.
Emma R.
Your July/August SPOTLIGHT on television commercials hit home. I work in television advertising
(camera operator) and don't like many of the ads I'm involved in. But it's a job!
Lucy H.