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First of all, the winter scene is quite appropriate for this time of year if you live in the Northern Hemisphere of our planet as I do.
It also happens to be one of my most popular images. People seem to enjoy looking at photographs of snow-covered landscapes.
This includes those who shy away from actually venturing out into the cold themselves.

Because of the popularity and appropriateness of the image, I felt that it deserved to be examined in greater detail as part of my
Inside the Image
series. I hope it provides a bit of artistic enlightenment to other visual artists as well as anyone who is curious
about how an image like this was created. Incidentally, this photograph is one of the images in the forthcoming second edition of
my monograph, Above The C&D...The Nature of Northern Delaware scheduled for publication this year.

Lastly, THE FRONT PAGE features a 1920s era painting of a winter scene which conveys a slightly similar feeling to that of my
photograph. I chose to feature this painting because of my long-held belief that artists throughout the years have been attracted
to many of the same natural subjects, regardless of our time period or the media we employ to express our creativity. In many
respects, artists are all alike...and...artists are all always right!

Until we connect again...

                                                                                                                         Douglas Schwartz, Publisher and Editor

I hope you are all doing well.

Welcome to the first issue of Artists Are Always Right for 2024! I hope everyone enjoyed a
wonderful holiday season and the new year will be filled with optimism and positive change!

Speaking of which...we received many comments regarding the SPOTLIGHT in the November/
December 2023 issue entitled, Hope For The Future. I want to thank those who took the time to
write, considering how busy everyone is during the holidays. Some of your thoughts are included
on the FEEDBACK page.

The SPOTLIGHT in this issue is entitled, The Visual Warmth of the Sun and features a photo-
graph that observant readers of this journal may possibly recognize. It was included previously
in the November/December 2019 issue as part of a SPOTLIGHT dedicated to peace. I decided
to shine a light on this image once again for the following reasons.