As previously announced in the June issue, Artists Are Always Right has evolved into a bimonthly
journal with this July/August issue. I explained the reason for this in the June UP FRONT. Though
the frequency of the publication has changed, the primary purpose of it has not. Artists Are
Always Right
remains committed to celebrating art. Artists who would like to be featured in the
are encouraged to submit their story and artwork. Complete details on how to go
about doing this may be found on the SUBMISSIONS page.

It is very gratifying to know that the Artists Are Always Right following is growing! Thank you for
all of your compliments! I only wish that my original intent for this journal could be fully realized
by showcasing other artists in the SPOTLIGHT feature. It appears that most people these days
(including many artists) are too busy texting and posting stuff on social media platforms that very
likely will do little more than boost their ego for a short time. Which brings me to the following.

I accidentally included the icons for a couple of social media platforms in the email announcement for the June issue of Artists Are
Always Right
. No big deal, but I felt the need to clarify things a bit in this issue's UP FRONT.

You won't find Artists Are Always Right (or me personally, for that matter) on these social platforms. My long-standing decision to
avoid social media has nothing whatsoever to do with the fact that I became a sexagenarian (a word that sounds so much more fun
than it actually is) on my recent birthday. I have several associates in my age bracket who participate in numerous social platforms,
but that is their choice. For me, I simply don't see how being involved with this technology will do anything for me other than use
more of my valuable time. I'd much rather use this time creating art that actually furthers my career. That is my choice.

My second cousin on my mother's side was an artist. A watercolorist, to be precise. A very talented watercolorist, in fact. I was
exposed to and inspired by her work at an early age. Even then I could see that she had an intuitive ability for composition, color
and form. In other words, she was very good!

The "social media" of her time (the 1940's to around the early 1990's) consisted of a physical mailing address and a telephone
number. Such was also true for Eliot Porter, Ansel Adams, Georgia O'Keeffe, Pablo Picasso and countless others. Yet, despite
these techno-social limitations compared to what is available today, all managed to create their art and share it with others.
Go figure!

What's my point? If social media is your thing…great! More power to you. Don't think for a millisecond, however, that any social
platform will, in itself, make you famous as an artist. I know there are exceptions to everything in life, but artistic talent is what
makes a career. A lasting legacy far outlasts any temporal post. True artists and their creative accomplishments are far more
important than a hundred-thousand social media listings. But this is my opinion.

We've received some requests to put the ARTIST ROSTER and RESOURCE CENTER back in the journal. If this interest
continues, we may do so.

In the May issue of Artists Are Always Right, I featured my favorite location away from home in the SPOTLIGHTAcadia National
. This issue's SPOTLIGHT features a location that I know quite well…my home State of Delaware. Delaware may be small
geographically but, as you will see, is grand in terms of natural beauty!

While I'm on the subject of Delaware, I'm proud to announce a new website that Karen and I have created showcasing the natural
wonders and unique attributes of our home state. Featuring an exclusive new line of apparel (T-Shirts and Sweatshirts), the
website is geared towards Delaware residents as well as visiting tourists. In addition, anyone who delights in nature's beauty will
surely appreciate The Nature of Delaware series. The website…which is designed to be viewed on desktop or laptop computers
(as are all of our websites)…is available at DelawareShirts.com.

Karen and I have also added a new line of apparel to our SchwartzNaturePhotography.com website. This new line of shirts
features beautiful scenes from numerous locations throughout the United States.

Lastly, in honor of Artists Are Always Right evolution to a bimonthly publication, I hereby offer two observations from the
website for your reading pleasure…

"Society has ignored Henry David Thoreau's good advice and has instead chosen to complexify, complexify." 
 (Observation number 232)

"Barking at a dog can get you into trouble if you say the wrong thing." 
 (Observation number 740)

Until we connect again…

                                                                                                                                 Douglas Schwartz, Publisher and Editor


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