Artists can get so wrapped-up in the tools and techniques of their trade
at times that they loose sight of the emotional and creative aspects of
their art. Without an emphasis on the latter, everything else is irrelevant.
I believe this is something that all artists should be mindful of. It is also
the reason why I started Artists Are Always Right three years ago.
If you've been a reader of this journal for a while, you already know this.

In keeping with this subject, I am pleased to offer another one of my
Inside the Image
SPOTLIGHT features in this issue. I will be exploring
the emotional and aesthetic elements of one of my most popular
photographs...one which I have long referred to as, Dancing Trees.
When you turn to the SPOTLIGHT page, you will probably understand
the reason for this title.
Dancing Trees was featured on the cover of my 2005 book, Above the C&D...The Nature of Northern
. I am very pleased to announce that an all new 2020 edition of this book is currently in
production! When published, it will be available on our Schwartz Nature Photography website
(schwartznaturephotography.com). I'll be sure to keep the readers of Artists Are Always Right updated.

This issue's ON THE FRONT PAGE showcases Alfred Stieglitz's classic 1907 photograph,
The Steerage
. If you would like to see your artwork featured ON THE FRONT PAGE, send us a
submission! There is no cost to do so! Complete submission details can be found by clicking the

We received a number of emails regarding the January/February SPOTLIGHT, Classic Television
. I've included a few of your comments on the FEEDBACK page. It's nice to recognize these
classic television sitcoms for the artistic contributions they've all made!

While I'm on the subject, I have to admit that the invisible little man in my brain (who I mentioned in that
forgot to include The Doris Day Show in all of its formats. That little man also forgot The
Donna Reed
Show and Mayberry R.F.D. I'm sure there are others he forgot as well. The reason he's so
forgetful is because I've been a very busy artist lately.

Besides working on the second edition of Above the C&D, I also have two other books currently in
production. One is an updated edition of The Creative Nature Photography Workshop, which was first
published in 2006. When published, it will be available on our Schwartz Nature Photography website.
Regarding the other book in production, all I can say for now is that it will be of interest to artists working
in all disciplines and will be available on this journal as well as on the Schwartz Nature Photography

If all that isn't enough for me to deal with, I'm also working on a short film project and creating new
photographs of nature. Lastly, Artists Are Always Right is an ongoing project which requires my time
as well. As you can imagine, I'm dancing about as fast as an artist can dance!

Before I conclude this UP FRONT, I have one more bit of book news to share with you. I'm pleased to
announce that my 2019 book, The Book of Observations...A Schwartz Shirts Companion, will soon be
available (probably by the time you're reading this) exclusively in hardcover. The hardcover version will
be available on the Schwartz Shirts website (schwartzshirts.com).

I wanted to share some of what's happening in my life as an artist to illustrate the fact that artists are
very busy people! Some non-artists believe that the life of an artist is easy going and carefree. Artists
know otherwise! There's just so much to create!

I will close this UP FRONT with observation number 85 from the SchwartzShirts.com website:

"You have to be creative in this world!" 

Until we connect again…

                                                                                         Douglas Schwartz, Publisher and Editor
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