I hope you are all doing well.

First of all...I want to thank everyone for the wonderful comments I received regarding the
publication of my new book, To Be An Artist. Your kind thoughts are very much appreciated!
To Be An Artist
was, and is, a very special creative project for me. I shared a lot throughout
its pages and am very pleased with how it turned out. In case you missed it, you can read
more about To Be An Artist in the January/February 2022 issue of Artists Are Always Right.

The SPOTLIGHT in this issue was emotionally difficult for me to write, but I felt that what it
has to say about artists and life was important enough to do so. It features a musical artist
who definitely made his mark on the world many years ago and is dedicated to my brother
who turned me on to the music this artist created. The artist in question is John Denver and
my brother is Dale Slack. Because of the connection I will always associate with these two
individuals, it seemed only right that I should title this SPOTLIGHT, Memories of John
Denver and Dale
. I hope you appreciate this very personal SPOTLIGHT.
I have some inside information to share with you. Besides working on Artists Are Always Right (which takes a considerable
amount of time and effort), Karen and I are currently working on four books featuring our nature photography. I am also
immersed in writing projects which will ultimately result in two novels.
I don't know when these projects will be completed, but I'll certainly keep you informed. All I can say for now is that I'm so
grateful to be an artist, even though being one can at times seem like a juggling act causing me to wish that there were
more than twenty-four hours in a day!

This issue's FEEDBACK page includes some much appreciated thoughts from our readers. As always, we value what you
have to say! ON THE FRONT PAGE showcases a beautiful painting which portrays spring, rebirth, and the promise of
things to come...hopefully a visual harbinger of brighter days ahead for all good people throughout the world.

Until we connect again...

                                                                                                                         Douglas Schwartz, Publisher and Editor

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