While I always try to make each SPOTLIGHT unique, perhaps none has been as fanciful as the one
in this issue. You was written by an eight year old Douglas Schwartz. You read that right! An
eight year old me! Please note that no H.G. Wells time machine or hypnotic regression was utilized
in the process. Only artistic creativity.

The reason behind the concept was greatly influenced by the fact that my birthday is coming up in
June...once again! This caused me to hark back in time to my youth (I enjoy harking as often as
possible) and to one of my favorite after school and Saturday morning activities. I'm referring to
watching cartoons on television.

With this in mind, I decided to put my internal random access memory to work and ask the eight year
old kid I once was, all those many years ago, to sit down at my computer keyboard and conjure up
this fantasy SPOTLIGHT. Fortunately, he didn't spill soda on my desk.

In case you don't know, it is easier for psychic mediums to channel famous people from history than
it is to channel yourself from your own past. There's always the potential danger of metaphysical
crossover in the time and space continuum when doing so which can cause electrical sparks! In the
interest of enlightening readers of Artists Are Always Right, I decided to take the risk. What the hell!
(If you believed all that hooey, I have some land I'd like to sell you.)

The ON THE FRONT PAGE features a pair of talented artists who were not well known during the
time that the photograph was created. One of them, however, went on to become internationally
famous as an adult. This shows you what commitment to one's art can achieve! (Did you know
who the artists were before reading the caption beneath the photograph?)

I will close for now with observation number 633 from the website.

"You gotta act goofy once in a while."

Until we connect again...

                                                                                      Douglas Schwartz, Publisher and Editor

I hope you are all doing well.

My UP FRONT and the ON THE FRONT PAGE in the March/April
issue generated several comments. Apparently I touched a nerve
which resonated with readers...particularly those from my age group.
Life can often be best viewed with the wisdom of age. Life is like
that. I've included some of your thoughts on the FEEDBACK page.

With all modesty, I must say that I am very proud of each issue of
Artists Are Always Right
. I put a significant amount of work into the
concept and writing and Karen does likewise with the layout and
website development.
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