I hope you are all doing well.
A picture may be worth a thousand words, but this adage does not take away from the fact that
a thousand words...or just a few...can, in my opinion, be more valuable than gold itself. With this
in mind, I am pleased to present the first SPOTLIGHT in Artists Are Always Right devoted
entirely to the written word. It is entitled, Hope For The Future...A Gallery of Observations, and
features the thoughts of several highly respected creative individuals from the past. I hope it
provides a bit of comfort for you during these difficult times.
While Karen and I were preparing this last issue of Artists Are Always Right for 2023, I found
myself looking back over the past year beginning with the special January/February fifth
anniversary issue. With modesty aside, I must say that I am extremely proud of the wide range
of interesting and enlightening topics that we have featured in this journal and look forward to
2024 with much anticipation.
As another year is about to come to a close, I would like to take this time to thank each and every reader of Artists Are Always
Right for your interest in what we have to say. Without you, putting the effort into creating this journal on an ongoing basis would
be meaningless. I also want to extend a special thanks to everyone who took the time to send us their FEEDBACK comments
appearing in this and every issue throughout the past year. It is gratifying to know that what we are doing is valued by others!
I am pleased to report that several book projects (including novels and nature photography monographs) that Karen and I have
been working on for some time are progressing nicely and should be completed in the near future. As I've learned from
experience and written about previously in Artists Are Always Right, creative endeavors always take longer than expected.
The way I see it, that pretty much describes life in general. I will be providing more information on these book projects as soon
as it becomes available.
Finally, I would like to share a few personal thoughts with you regarding this magical time of year.
On a happy note...I'm looking forward to relaxing during the holidays as much as I can. As a full-time artist whose time clock
and creative mind doesn't merely run from 9 to 5, relaxing or down-time for me is uncommon. Being a big kid at heart, I am
also looking forward to enjoying the colorful decorations that Karen and I will soon be displaying in our home... although, to be
perfectly honest, Karen is much better at doing that than I am (I flunked Tinsel 101).
On a serious note...I will also take the time on New Year's Eve (actually, I do this every day of the year) to give thanks for the
many blessings in my life, knowing in my heart and soul that I am extremely fortunate when compared to the countless humans
and animals in the world who are just surviving. I will pray that their pain and suffering is eased very soon and that the
expression...Peace on Earth...will at long last change from an annual sentiment on greeting cards into reality!
I sincerely hope that you all have a joyous Holiday Season...and a very healthy and peaceful New Year!
Until we connect again...
Douglas Schwartz, Publisher and Editor