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I've been enjoying Artists Are Always Right for several years now and thought it was about time for me
to write and say how much I enjoy your journal. Each issue is interesting and enlightening. Thank you
for your creative efforts, and a belated congratulations on your fifth anniversary!

Ruthie C.


Thank you for sharing your story about the snow globe you received for Christmas and it's connection
to the film, Citizen Kane. Freedom is perhaps the number one goal in this world. Without it, we are all
doomed! Anyone with an ounce of intelligence can see who are the ones trying to take it away from us.
Keep up the good work!

Joe D.


I'm a new viewer and subscriber. I just wanted to email my best wishes for your fifth anniversary.
Love what you're doing!

Jamie R.


Another great SPOTLIGHT in the March/April issue! By the way, which peanut butter do you prefer?
Chunky or creamy?

Ashley B.

(Editor's reply: I prefer creamy. It's easier to chew.)


Even though times are tough for a lot of people these days, I love how you encourage artists to create!
Being creative is how we can all get through it!

Howard P.


You packed a lot great information in the first five years of Artists Are Always Right, and your first post-
anniversary (March/April) issue was equally superb!

Brittany J.


Artists Are Always Right is much different than other art websites that I've seen. Variety is the word.
Quality too.

Manny S.


Five years of Artists Are Always! Thanks for all you've accomplished!

Rick B.


The March/April SPOTLIGHT titled, What is Art? was excellent. I enjoyed it very much.

Paul T.


Because of my work schedule, I only recently had the opportunity to check out your fifth anniversary issue.
Very well done! Thank you for the escape from my usual reality!

Diane W.