I too am a film buff. Great job putting the July/August SPOTLIGHT together!
Bill M.
I knew every line in the "Classic Lines in Cinema" challenge except for number 30. Pretty tricky!
Nora A.
I just found out about Artists Are Always Right. I think it's great! I'm looking forward to reading your
book, To Be An Artist.
Kami R.
I think my favorite SPOTLIGHT so far is "One Of Many Leaves" in the May/June issue. It says so much.
Scot M.
Your recent SPOTLIGHT entitled, "Memories of John Denver and Dale" (March/April issue) returned
to my mind when I heard that Olivia Newton John had passed on. Olivia and John's duet of "Fly Away"
is a beautiful reminder of the power of music, and also how fleeting this life is.
April J.
(Editor's reply: Indeed it is.)
George Orwell not only wrote an interesting novel, he illustrated a world we must not allow to happen!
James R.
(Editor's reply: Absolutely!)
Your SPOTLIGHT on "Classic Lines in Cinema" included most of my own personal favorites...
especially, "Gentlemen, you can't fight in here! This is the war room!" A true classic!
Arthur O.
I felt compelled to write to you regarding your book, To Be An Artist. It is wonderful! The way you
described your journey as an artist from childhood to the present is very interesting. In my opinion,
any artist would benefit from reading it.
Laura D.
(Editor's reply: Thank you.)
I appreciate much of the music from the 1960s. Anti-war. Freedom. Peace. What more could you
ask for?
Jack B.
It seems as if the world is coming apart at the seams, while artists like you are attempting to keep
it from unraveling. Keep it up!
Sandra S.
I just wanted to write to say how much I value Artists Are Always Right. Whenever I receive an email
notifying me that a new issue is available, I know that I'm in store for something interesting,
informative...and yes, artistically enlightening.
Kay M.
(Editor's reply: Thank you for writing.)
I was looking at the photograph of you and your friend, Dale, in front of the river in Yellowstone
National Park (March/April SPOTLIGHT) and was reminded of the movie, A River Runs Through It.
That film and your story in that issue have similarities...wouldn't you say?
Emily R.
(Editor's reply: Your comment is very insightful and, I believe, true. Thank you for sharing it.)
I racked my brain for a minute or so before giving up and looking at the answer to "Classic Lines in
Cinema" number 30. You got me! I enjoyed that SPOTLIGHT very much.
Ken L.
I recently read your SPOTLIGHT titled, "The Art of Love Songs" in the January/February 2019 issue of
Artists Are Always Right. One of the songs that you included is called, "And I Love You So" by Don
McLean. I hadn't heard that song in years. I looked it up on YouTube and listened to it. It brought back
a lot of memories. I cried a little, but it was a nice cry. Thanks for the reminder.
Pat C.
(Editor's reply: "And I Love You So" is an incredible and timeless song.)
We are reaching out to say how much we enjoyed your "Classic Lines in Cinema" SPOTLIGHT.
We both did pretty good on your challenge to guess which films the lines came from, but one of us
(Hal) owes the other one (Carol) a dinner (a bet between us). Of course, neither one of us knew
number 30!
Carol and Hal O.
(Editor's reply: Congratulations Carol!)
I want to thank you for writing something so personal as your "Memories of John Denver and Dale"
SPOTLIGHT in the March/April issue. While I'm sure it was difficult for you to do, it shows how
sensitive you are. An admirable and necessary quality for any true artist.
Margot J.
(Editor's reply: I appreciate your thoughts very much.)
I enjoyed the challenge in the July/August SPOTLIGHT including your "classic line" number 30.
Thanks for the laugh!
Becka L.
Things are difficult for many people these days. This definitely includes me. It's nice to have an
excellent journal such as Artists Are Always Right to look forward to! Thank you.
Nate W.
(Editor's reply: You are most welcome. Hopefully, things will begin to get better soon!)